Probation Violations 2018-03-14T19:23:10+00:00


Our parole violation defense lawyers serving Texas provide you with objective representation

Parole violations are serious offenses. Many judges and courts tend to be quite hard on people charged with such violations, as parolees are already seen as criminals in the eyes of the law. At the Law Offices of Alan Brown, our attorneys understand the complexities surrounding probation and parole rules, and dedicate themselves to giving you a strong defense. Attorney Alan Brown has extensive experience in both prosecution and defense roles, giving our firm a well-rounded, effective approach to the law. Our lawyers view their relationship with you as a true partnership, and work together as a team to find the best possible outcomes for you.

Probation violations lawyers in San Antonio keep you hopeful for your future

When you are facing criminal charges, probation is generally a positive alternative to jail time. It allows you to stay in your community even after a conviction as long as you meet certain conditions of your probation. However, violating these conditions carries stiff penalties. In many cases, you could face even harsher punishments for your probation violation than you did for your original conviction, as probation violation is a crime unto itself and is considered to be a federal offense.

When charged with parole or probation violations, it is extremely important that you contact a San Antonio lawyer immediately. Situations in which a court may charge you with a probation or parole violation include:

  • Failure to attend any of your scheduled court appearances
  • Failure to pay court-ordered fines agreed to in your previous verdict
  • Failure to report to your probation officers at the scheduled time or place
  • Traveling out of state or visiting certain people without the expressed permission of your probation officer
  • Arrest for another crime while on probation
  • Failure to adhere to curfews or any other restrictions placed on you during your parole or probation

Our San Antonio criminal law lawyers use a variety of defense strategies, depending on the specific circumstance of your case.

Contact our probation violations lawyers in San Antonio today

When accused of a probation violation, call the Law Offices of Alan Brown at 210-227-5103 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. Our attorneys provide flexible office hours and answer calls 24 hours a day so that they can more effectively serve you. Our offices are in historic Main Plaza, right next to the San Fernando Cathedral. The firm also offers services in Spanish.